Intel Unveils RealSense 3D Camera For Smartphones
Thursday, April 09, 2015
Eng Acs
Intel has unveiled a new RealSense 3D Depth Camera for smartphone whose sensor could be used to recognize hand and head movements. The new camera also lets users edit the focus on pictures after they are taken.
Reportedly the device showcased is still in early stages of development. The device has been created as part of collaboration with an unnamed Chinese company.
The technology sounds similar to Kinect motion-and-image sensor which is less popular among gamers. However the new technology from Intel comes in a smaller package and company hopes this could be something people want in their phones.
Intel has also announced that laptops were to incorporate RealSense components.
"There was a suggestion that tech could be used to offer better gesture recognition, subsequently allowing users to control devices without having to touch them. There might also be a way to scan objects for later editing and 3D printing," ValueWalk noted.
Reportedly the device showcased is still in early stages of development. The device has been created as part of collaboration with an unnamed Chinese company.
The technology sounds similar to Kinect motion-and-image sensor which is less popular among gamers. However the new technology from Intel comes in a smaller package and company hopes this could be something people want in their phones.
Intel has also announced that laptops were to incorporate RealSense components.
"There was a suggestion that tech could be used to offer better gesture recognition, subsequently allowing users to control devices without having to touch them. There might also be a way to scan objects for later editing and 3D printing," ValueWalk noted.