GTA 5 Update: 2,500 Gamers Locked Out of Accounts, Rockstar Denies Hack, Working on Fix
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Eng Acs
Despite multiple reports suggesting that its GTA V Social Club facility has been compromised, Rockstar Games has denied a hack.
The game-maker has maintained that miscreants are using authentic email and passwords obtained from compromised websites elsewhere on the internet and that, its facilities are intact. Several users were recently locked out of their Social Club accounts after they reported credentials stolen. Around 2,500 accounts are said to have been compromised. Social Club faclitates online multi-player gaming.
"We are aware that unauthorized attempts have been made to access Rockstar Games Social Club accounts using email and password combinations sourced from unaffiliated, compromised websites or databases elsewhere on the internet," Rockstar said on its support page.
The company is now working to restore user access to the affected gamers.
"For the accounts affected, we are in the process of reverting those accounts back to their original owners. As a result, the ability to change email addresses for Social Club accounts has been temporarily disabled ... As a reminder, it is a good policy to ensure that the Rockstar Games Social Club account username and password is not shared across multiple websites on the internet. For accounts affected with this issue, we are working to respond to customers to reinstate full user access within 24 hours of contacting Customer Support," the company said.